Monday, October 22, 2007

Nursery Rhymes

Yesterday, my cousin reminded me of the nursery rhymes from back in the days. Unfortunately, kids in yankee are not taught a lot of these rhymes these days. Anyway, she pointed out something and it actually gave us a real crack up. The fact that those songs/rhymes had an element of violence in them. Examples:

Jack and Jill went up the hill...: Abeg, why does Jack have to break his neck?

Goosey Goosey Gander: Why did they have to throw the old man that could not say his prayer down the stairs: "i took him by the left leg, and threw him down the stairs."

Rock-a-bye-baby: Please why is anyone rocking a baby by the tree top, surely that can't be soothing.

Three blind mice: Why do they have to chase the farmer's wife and then she had to get all poster on them and cut off their tails with a knife.

Ever famous Humpty Dumpty: The poor thing broke into too many pieces. (My sister has quite a nice drawing she did of this, i should put it up, if i can get a hold of it)

I also remember a song from secondary school in nigeria, don't remember all the words, but it had something to do with going to jail: "take a message to Mary, but don't tell where i am, take a message to Mary, but don't tell her i'm in jail; you can tell her i've gone to see the world, tell her i'll be back someday, but tell she better not wait for me, but don't tell her i'm in jail..." Any reason why this person was in jail?

Anyway, just thought all of these were funny, no wonder America is not teaching their kids these songs, many would agree that they don't need it at the rate they are going; 6 year old getting chased by police after stealing school bus, 5 year old killing younger sister, 6 year old stealing grandma's car to go to get something to eat. Now, this story is funny, 6 year old boy really wanted food from some eatery, took his granma's car, transfered his car seat to the front, belted himself and just drove off until he ran into an electric pole.

What a wonderful world we live in!!!

1 comment:

princesa said...

I only just realised the violence in those nursery rhymes. Thank God we didnt think of it in that sense then(as kids).

I still love that song:"Take a message to Mary".