Monday, November 24, 2008


It's thanksgiving week in yankee but as Christians we're taught that everyday is thanksgiving. Atleast everyday we have a reason to thank the good Lord; if nothing else, for the fact that we have life. Sounds wierd, but not all have get such a privilege...

can u imagine someone who had the day planned out...drop off the kids at school, go to work, after work pick the kids up from afterschool, oh maybe she should stop by the groceries before picking up the kids, it may be easier without them, coming out of the grocery store, all of a sudden she slums down and blood all over, gun shot had been heard...some silly teens by the gas station got hold of a gun, practicing shotting...they miss-fired! A 36 year old life has been lost.

Or is it the 5 year old child who fell down on the Monkey bars at school, was rushed to the hospital but for some wierd reason did not make it there...

Anyway, i bet u get the gist now sha...The gift of Life...

I've got my own little worries that i allow overwhelm me sometimes and keep me down, yesterday was one of them. I actually went to bed saturday consciously telling myself that i was not going to be happy and i took that attitude to church on sunday.

Thank God for the worship and the worship leader and the the one scripture that came during the prayer session. "Let everything that has breath praise the Lord."

I looked around church and saw pple dressed nicely, i began to think- i really didn't have to walk to church. I was in my nice warm car i bought with my hard earned (even though small) salary; infact i'm still paying for it sef, thank God for "car note." I actually sepnt over a hundred dollars on my hair this same week, and still put a new pair of pants and a dress this week...

I have a roof over my head, and am warm at nite in my own bed with my fairly still new bedsheets and even comforter...

So why the heck i'm i making myself sad???????

It could have been a million times worse!!!!!!!

I have what we call a "budget" with God. It's a list we make at the beginning of the year of things we want God to do before the end of that year; and i still need to double check it but somehow i can outrightly say that i remember a few things from inside it and i can tesify that God has been good!!!

I left this, and coming back now, i've lost track of the point i was trying to make.

But i think it had something to do with just being grateful to God for little mercies...

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I already know i'm a bit of a careless person but this has been the most annoying one in a while...i lost a set of very important keys at work. A co-worker of mine was quick to tell me that i should just still the principal's bunch of keys and go and duplicate i figured i still had to report the keys, Godforbid some important children's files/documents are missing they would look for all of us that have keys...infact, the girl still told me earlier today that all i had to do is get my hand on the principal's keys and she'll do the i wonder why she was so eager to help...

Anyway, just found the keys as i had used it to hold the last page of a folder i had been working on last week...and i guess since last week, i've not picked up the folder someone say careless!!! abeg, i know...but it's a relief sha...i was tired of boring keys to get in...

on another note, i'm inclined to mention as per it's all i'm hearing here...that i hope all those people eligible to vote have at this time gone out to go and fulfil their civic duty abi is it right?

on another another note, i just remembered something that happened last week that i had been meaning to share...again, men sha!

I met this guy, let's call him femi earlier on during the summer at one church's single's event. It was held at D&B so there was a lot of mingling going on. Anyway, Femi caught me of-guard and was really loud and since church people were there and all and the whole point was for people to meet people, i sha gave femi my number. Femi called me a couple of times and God forgive, i really thought the guy was a joke...he was funny though so whenever i was in the mood i picked up his calls....infact, he disturbed me one day so bad that he wanted to see me so i invited him over to where i was...i was away from my house that weekend...Truly, that visit only confirmed what i already knew...

Anyway, Femi too stopped calling me like that after that visit sha...i think i spoke to him maybe 2 months later and that was it...

Well, last week i get a call and it's from Femi!!! I'm honestly surprised as had even forgotten bout him. At some point, our conversation went thus:

Femi: So, how have you been, u just fashied me sha
me: I could have sworn it was the other way around, u fashied me...(who do i kid?)
Femi:ok oh, anyway, so are you married now, are you pregnant?
me: married ke? pregnant ke? not possible!!!
Femi: so why did you fashie me now? ok, are you seeing someone?
me: i didn't fashie u, other way around...and no, i'm not seeing anyone
Femi: ahh, ok so what about me? i thought we were having something?
me: ok, i kid, i'm seeing someone...sorry
Femi: are u sure?
me: yes now, haba!
Femi:for how long now? because we talked in June
me: emm, it's pretty recent
Femi: why now? what about me?
me: at this point i'm laughing (by the way, i tend to laugh bout a lot of things...real goofy)
me: well, when i didn't see u i moved
Femi: ok, i hope his good to you sha, if it does not work out, remember me
me: emm, i sure will
Femi: ok, what about that your friend that you were with at the place?
me: who? J? eyaaa, she's fine oh
Femi: Is she seeing someone too?
me: (of-course i'm laughing again, thinking to myself what a joke) yeah, she's seeing someone too
Femi: well, do you have any friends you can introduce me to?
me: i'll have to go think bout it, most of my friends are either married or in a relationship
Femi: ok oh, please think about it and call me back

Our conversation sha ended somehow and i just couldn't stop thinking the guy must be silly or is it me?

Monday, November 3, 2008

The year is coming to an wa oh...


Now, people that know me well enough will very much be surprised!! Infact i hear my dear freind J shouting some serious 7 halleluyahs on my

The thought, i won't lie, scares me like heck because too many times i'm convinced i have issues....and i'm not too good in the relationship department sef....even though i'm being considered for singles coordinator at my i have this nagging feeling telling me i want way i can explain the feeling)

I want to blame it on a number possible reasons but all the reasons i can think about have always been there and they've never bothered me:

1. fact that a very old and dear friend of mine just contacted me and she's in the U.S. having a baby. (Not the first of my friends to have kids)

2. The new wedding webbies that Omosewa put (I've been drooling on wedding webbies for bout 2 yrs now)

3. I'm about to turn a year older ( I've been turning a year older and marriageable age for about 3-5 years now)

4. Spoke to daddy schic this weekend and he mentioned that he was "expectant." Daddy schic never really talks about marriage...even though i've heard he expresses his concerns to others who then bring it up to me...

5. I'm currently being chased by atleast two men that i believe are very much eligible...inspite of the fact that i do want to get married, i can't go ahead with any of them...except ____________

Is something wrong with me??????????

I have a migraine!!!!!