Friday, December 28, 2007


Someone asked me what's up for the rest of the year, and then went ahead and answered it for me with church as usual? for some reason, even though it is the truth, that got me really upset and then again, it made me sad. The fact that i've become that predicatable.

On that note, i've not made a new year resolution in some years because honest truth is that i don't ever accomplish them, i just go with the flow while asking God to direct me. Anyway, i think i'm going to make some resolutions for this coming year. Of-course on top of the list is to live life a little more since i'm not married and have no kids to tie me down and i know according to my family, time is already against me so i guess i might try to enjoy the rest of my singlehood.

like my people say, "i'm going to start "catching" some fun! Beginning this weekend.

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