Wednesday, December 23, 2009


So i've been thinking about the year coming to an end and about the many reasons why i have to be thankful to God or grateful. To be honest, i've had two particular things i've been looking unto God for and this year, out of frustration i've not been good with being thankful for all His done. (Lord pls have mercy on me).

Anyway, after 2 full days of being snowed in, we got a chance to go see a movie on Monday, saw Avatar on 3D, it would have been really really cool if not for the too many times i had to take off the 3D "shades" because it felt so close and was almost having a headache with having all that illusion of things coming into me....the movie was good though but LOOOOGGGGGG!

On the way back, sitting and hiding and shivering under their Jackets were 2 people at a bus stop. Could not identify if they were males or females, but we realized that that was their abode for the nite.

I said a little thank you to God at that point but for some reason, today is Wednesday and i realize that since Monday i have thought about those people more than once! And i've been disturbed by the thought.

So, God, if you're reading, I'll really like to say a big THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart!

The fact that you've provided me with shelter, food, and clothing.
I'm thankful for those things that i've called basic needs and for others are necessities.
I'm thankful that even when i'm really broke, somehow i still get to buy what i want from subway costing a little of $7.
I'm thankful that i can change from one winter jacket to another to suit my outfit.
I'm thankful that my closet over flows and yet am still able to say i don't know or have what to wear.
I'm thankful that i have all my body parts complete.
I'm thankful that i drive a car and can turn on my heat.
I'm thankful that i have health insurance after seeing what my last drs bills are just for regular check-up and blood works.
I'm thankful for the position you've placed me at work that does not allow my time to be cut and my job to be cut off.
I'm thankful for the professional exam i had to take earlier this yr and passed it at once, B told me she had to retake it which meant she had to pay alot of money for it again.
I'm thankful for that particular prayer i did for M and the lab results came back negative.
I'm thankful that you indirectly worked on teaching me patience with the Mr.
I'm especially thankful that the Mr. and I have come this far since we've had all those glitches along the way.
I'm thankful for daddy's life

I just realized that i could go on and on with reasons why i'm thankful. But God, you already know that a thousand tongues would not be enough to express my appreciation...But i ask in the name of your son Jesus Christ to accept what i have to offer!

I don hope that i can find a way to reach out to those people out there....


Jummy said...

This is a lovely post; those things you're thankful for are things my thankful posts have taught me to recognize, even something as simple as having more than one winter coat is reason to be thankful.

I do hope that those homeless folk are able to find shelter from the winter weather.

(Feel free to talk more about Mr. here o!)

Unknown said...

I really hope they find shelter too my dear...

lol..i will talk more about the Mr. when the time comes...

And tanxs for being my only commenter, possibly blog reader sef

Rita said...

This is indeed a testimony...