Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I'm sooooooooo boreeeddddddddddddd!!!!!!!!!!! and i'm at work oh!!!!!

Anyway, i wasn't tagged but thought i would do this since i'm really bored at the moment...I'm not following the rules since i was not tagged but these are the rules: much tanxs to

1. Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions.
2. They have to be real….nothing made up! if the person before you had the same first initial,you 3. must use different answers.
4.You cannot use any word twice and you cant use your name for the boy/girl question.
5.Don’t google your answers.
6.Make it as interesting and fun as you can.

1. What is your name: S.chic
2. A four letter word: Shake
3. A boy’s name: Sean
4. A girl’s name: Suzanne (this came up because a suzanne just walked that cheating?)
5. An occupation: Scuba diver (atleast i think it's an occupation...i honestly can't think of anything else right about now....oh gosh, while i was typing that i could not think of anything else i thought bout
6. A colour: sky blue
7. Something you’ll wear: scarf (quite a few possibilities: shorts, socks)
8. A food: shawarma (i want some soo badly...)(i've really got to find where i can get them here?)
9. Something found in the bathroom: shower curtains
10. A place: Spain?
11. A reason for being late: Stolen keys/purse
12. Something you’d shout: Shucks!
13. A movie title: Slumdog Millionaire (saw it yesterday...pretty good movie)
14. Something you’d drink: Smirnoff ice....ok, smoothie?
15. A musical group: Unless i cheat, i really can't think of any right now...Soul 4 Real? is there a group like that? Sounds real but really old group rite? lol
16. An animal: Snake
17. A street name: Sundew Court
18. A type of car: Saturn
19. The title of a song: "Showers of blessing"

I think this is my first time ever doing one of these....i'm not too good with thinking on the spot...i usually have to think bout something before writing...even before talking sef...

In not following the rules, i'm not tagging anyone...but if you happen to read this and you've not done it...feel free to try it out...


Anonymous said...

Well hello my cheating friend! :)

lol I've never heard of Soul 4 Real o...but they may exist I guess.

You actually did really well on this meme. Ma binu pe mi o tag e.

Molly said...

Ehmmm... my dear, shake is not four letters!


Unknown said...

damn girl, i must of just read through it...missed the gour letters, we'll take the "e" out and it becomes "Shak"

Unknown said...

love d template