Wednesday, December 10, 2008


In the last 2 days i've chatted with 3 different guys that at one point or the other liked me but nothing came out of it. Not because they were not good guys but i recently concluded that maybe i'm hard to please...(i don't really think i'm hard to please sha)

Anyway, GM comes online yesterday and first thing that shows up on his screen is " my runaway wife"...i usually appear off-line if i'm at work but somehow i had left the thing appearing online so he found me...

We ended up going back and forth on who was really the "runaway" even though i argued that he was the one that left me i can very much say that i did disappear...

Shortly after my chat with GM i started to think back to all the guys that have one time or the other tried to establish something with me and by God, i realized they are a good number too... Some i wasted no time in saying -"No thank you," while others, i must admit, i led on! I led them on either because i was bored at the time they were talking to me or i actually enjoyed talking to them but got bored after a while and had to cut them off...while a select few i had to cut off even though i liked them, there were other factors that i found would not let the relationship progress and so i had to let go before it was too late.

Now i've come to a point where i'm afraid! I'm afraid of the consequences of my actions. I strongly believe that everything in life have consequences; either good or bad. I know for sure that some of these guys i've actually hurt in the process but am a tat bit too late now....

Now i'm afraid that any relationship i'm in now will yield to those consequences before anything else...I'm afraid that for this i cannot give my all in a relationship...i'm afraid that i could get seriously hurt...


or is it all me being paranoid???????????

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ok, first of all I'm jealous of all the opportunities that you've had at lu! I think the fact that you do feel bad about leading some guys on is good. Maybe just ask God for forgiveness and move on. You won't have to worry about "facing the consequences" if you're repentant (lol, well, maybe)!

The worst thing you can do is let fear prevent you from giving something your all. Any guy that you decide to date in the future deserves to have you put 100% into the relationship, even if it's scary. You can do it! Just keep God a part of the picure and things will work out.
