Wednesday, July 29, 2009


I was talking to someone at work today and she reminded bout a post i should have put up a really long time ago...Not sure if it's a guy thing or i'm actually the ignorant one...

Ok, so i'm not the most friendly person ever but i do have friends. My friendships are simple....i can do with or without my friends....I not one to keep very close friendships but i can say i have one or two really close friends....and i don't have a problem with my friends coming together....the more the merrier.

The Mr. on the other hand, has two seperate set of friends and i've always thought it was interesting and funny.

Friend Group 1 are those ones who are all coupled up and we occassionally plan an outing with or schedule whose house we're going to spend a friday or saturday evening at. Nice group of people and rather great gentle conversations regarding nigeria, relationships, growing up, to politics are usually on the table...we'll all even watch a movie or play a game....without being rude, i want to say these are the "proper" friends.... as in, u have to be abe to make intelligent conversation and all...and oh yeah, all of them work with coperate america...

Friend Group 2 are those friends not included in friend group, can't explain them without sounding rude again, but they are also a nice group of people....these are the group of friends where pidgin english is the form of communication and i must say they are rather loud....Not all of them are coupled up but among them is one who is engaged and another in a serious relationship...well besides the Mr. and I. Interesting enough, in this group of about 6 guys, i can say 4 also work in coperate America so they are also pretty intelligent....The conversation among this group also includes nigerian politics but not as polite as friend group 1 discussions....these ones are loud and argue...rather than inform each other about only thing that actually bothered me about this group was one time we were all chilling, they started to talk bout sex rather openly and somehow i felt it was rude....i'm not prudish or anything, but i just didn't think it was approriate for them to talk bout females they had slept with like that in front of me...i was the only female there and left shortly after....

Anyway, i remember my dinner earlier on in the year, the Mr. invited friends from Group 1 and not one single one from group 2. Apparently, word got out and someone from group 2 friends was upset about it because they had previously accused him of hiding me from another occassion, when the Mr's. family member had an event, friend group 2 was finally asked him why his friends never come together and he simply brushed it off and said they would never get along....

Now he spends as much time with friend group 1 as with 2 and fits right in with either group...

So the point is, do people generally have 2 groups of friends or these people are just wierd? I can understand if your friends are of a different culture...but even then....

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