Friday, October 31, 2008

I had to come write real quick before i forget again. Now i thought this was really funny...

this place is full of females and as expected there is usually quite a bit of talk going on about relationships on a regular basis. I've got this co-worker that we kinda became friends outside of work by hanging out occassionally, so i guess i can officially call her my friend now sha...

Anyway, whenever talk come up on relationships she's quick to say that we're the two last single women on earth and me on the other hand have been telling them "i'm getting married next year"for atleast 2-3 years

let's call her "Amber" (hmmm...and i like the name oh). She does not date much even though she's in like 31/32. Anyway, Amber met this guy bout 2-3 weeks ago and they've been talking on the telephone. Yesterday, the dude calls her up and ask if she wants to go get something to eat. Since she was not doing anything and even left work early too, she kukuma went.

Somewhere during dinner, the guy tells her straight up that he wanted them to go back to his place so they could do the "do." says she's stirring at this guy like his crazy or something and of-course she refuses. She's like she actually asked the guy back if what he said made any sense since that was the first time they were seeing after their initial meeting and yet he wanted to take her home for a screw.

She went on to give the guy a lecture on aids and all other sexually transmitted diseases (actually, she's kinda passionate bout that- i think she's originally from DC too so she usually has a lot to say). That he didn't even know what she carried and neither did she know what he was carrying and yet he wanted to take her

Funny guy, told her he already knew the steps and since he had been talking to her, he was confident that she was steps i asked and she explained..according to the guy,

the first date - a girl says no;
second date is still a no but she'll go home with him and make out
third date- is also still a no but with a little push, they'll get down to it.

I swear i bursted out laughing!!!

Amber said she was frantic!!! lol ...i thought it was funny...

Now Amber wants to know what ever happened to talking about solutions to world hunger and peace, politics, and society on dates?

I'm not much of a dater myself so i wouldn't know what conversation is appropriate but i bet it wouldn't or shouldn't be about going "home"

Thursday, October 30, 2008

A while back i started putting up profiles of individuals in an attempt to help many, including myself, find love. I think most of the people that put up profiles were females and maybe we had 2-3 guys or something. Like too many other things i do, i truly didn't follow up on it. Not sure how i would have sef...when i started it, infact i had thought about doing albums with pictures and so many other

Anyway, i recently got an e-mail that a gentleman (atleast i presume) was interested in a certain lady he had read her profile on here. We've been working on the logistics of what would follow after showing interest. I thought it was only fair for him to also put up a profile just incase a lady finds him interesting. Thus:

Age: 30
Sex: Male
Occupation: IT consultant
Religion: Xtian
State: Benue
Country: NIgeria
Age Range Partner: 24 - 30
Looking for lady : Within Nigeria (Any Part of the Country)

Well, we've moved on from that point...the lady being sort has accepted to communicate and thus we're doing it via e-mail to begin with....let's wish them luck....think it would be cool if something nice comes out of it!

Unto other things

So i'm beginning to feel like i should be back in school doing something. What it is i should be doing or what i want to do is not completely clear to me. I've got a couple of options of what i think i should do and honestly, i think i'm officially confused.

See, i've got a second degree already. My thoughts in recent times have gone from going to do a Phd to going to get a second masters, to going to law school sef...or just go do some certifications....I had mentioned to the folks that i was going for an information session on a Phd program for one school and of-course the only thing they had to say is that they hope the guy won't run from me.

I know one thing for sure though, that i'm on the right part to whatever it is i want to do. Even though the situation is small right now but i've been having this thing in my mind that the experience i'm gaining from this "mini job" is preparing me and is going to be very very useful to me down the line.

Now, the funds to pursue this is another thing...but then again....i'm a BELIEVER...and nothing is beyond God!


Friday, October 24, 2008

Ok, my return here is even as bad. I really thought i would come everyday and update....really, i usually have the stuff in my head but the first chance i get to actually blog, i really don't remember what i was going to blog about.

Anyway, watched pretty woman last nite and by God! for some reason i can't get over that movie...regardless of how many times i see it. It's like my all time favorite sha...

Sometime last week, a friend of mine came online and we had this conversation:

friend:I am feeling real funny
schic :funny like how?
friend:I dont know what is wrong with me
schic: stomach? head?
friend: My former girl friend in Nigeria is getting wedded next week
friend:and i have been feeling real funny for real
friend:I did not tell mope(gf)though
friend:but it is really making me feel funny
schic: lool
schic:sorry to laugh
schic:but funny as in how?
friend:I dont know schic
friend: I dream abt her now
schic:like maybe it is u that should have been marrying her?
friend:no not like that
schic:hmmm...o ga oh, do u still talk to her? maybe u need to talk to her
freind:u see i dont know; yesterday unconsiously i went to pull out all her pictures from my pile
schic:if u had a really close relationship with her then it's kinda expected
freind: It was extremly close

o.k, i'm tired of trying to post the conversation and changing names. Anyway, the point is that his been really feeling somehow that his first love is getting married. Now, i want to say i understand the feelings but not completely. When the first guy i ever dated in here got married, i didn't feel anything because i was waayyyyyyy over him and had passed the wierd stage because his sister and i became very good friends and i still ended up at their house on a regular basis...even though the ending of the relationship was not very nice.

Now with this friend of mine, his got a very sweet fiancee. As in, even as a female, i can testify for the babe anytime. She's like the perfect wife material lots of guys would want. I've seen her submit to things that even i know i would never do for a man. I can't really explain it, but i sha know she's correct like that.... don't men always say they want submissive women?

So, this wierd feeling, i've been thinking bout it trying to justify that is it normal? I know guys are not usually sensitive but he still wants to talk bout it...i'm also wondering, should this kinda feelings be there if he himself is engaged to someone else?

hmmm...this post looks like it's long enough... have to come back and do a post on that hook-up thing i had going on here a while back...we may have a

Friday, October 10, 2008

Can't remember whose blog now, but the person had made a good point about if bloggers ever wondered what happened to a blogger who has left blogsville...actually i think it was Mr. Tobenna....anyway, i'ld like to explain y i left temporarily, but honestly, there is no logical explanation. I think i just sort of lost it at a point...including visiting blogs...

Along the line, i found out that i'm the "world's worst most annoymous blogger" (quoting my cousin)lol. For anyone who had followed my blog long enough would know that i had written mainly about 3 guys in my life...F1,2, and 3. Well, to my disappointment, both F1 and 2 found the site. I don't remember writing anything majorly bad about them, thank God for that, but i guess it was still enough sha.... Funny i always had an inking that F1 knew the site or he would find it, and the way F2 found it is still most Anyway, i didn't think it was fair after a while, and as such have deleted every post related to them (or atleast i hope i have, i'll check again...hehehehe...)

I did miss my blog though! think i signed in every day! ok, i confess, i did a couple of posts while i was invisible....i deleted those, those were incriminating ones so NO WAY i could have kept them....

While i'm still annoymous to some, and to others, not, i figured i might as well open it back up....i like writing, and i've had days where events/incidents have happened and i've thought about coming to blog about it and then i just don't find the urge to when i get on the computer...but i think i'm back now for good! well, hopefully....

TGIF!!! Going out of town this weekend with family, hopefully that turns out well....still have not figured whose car we're using and who is doing the driving, yet we plan on leaving real early in the morning...hmmm....

Thursday, October 9, 2008
