Friday, August 3, 2007


Thank God it's friday!!!

I'm at work and i'm still bored stiff.... what am i going to do this weekend? I feel like there is much to do and yet nothing to do... not making much sense am i? But it's also kinda of my last week to really enjoy for a while so i'm def. going to make the best use of it somehow.

Men! when God created men, he really did a wonderful job sha. Abeg my people help me oh. So i've got this guy friend, and we've really been cool for a long time. His got a girlfriend but i think we share more things about each other than he even shares with his girlfriend, i've never had a problem with him having a babe oh! And all of a sudden, i tell him i have a new man....(mind you, just said it jokingly) but this homeboy is tripping about it. How he did not hear about him before and how i'm keeping things from him now. In general i'm getting this vibe that his upset about me seeing this my "new man." How far with that? it's o.k for him to have a girlfriend and then i have a new man and it's a problem. I told him this bogus story beginning of the week, and today is friday and i've gotten a new question each day about the guy and if i'm happy. I'm beginning to think he likes me!!! or what was the initial annoyance and all this questioning about?

Abeg, so if you happen to be reading this, please enjoy your weekend. I'll definitely be enjoying mine!

1 comment:

Yankeenaijababe said...

@s.chic.........l know that funny feeling guys get when he finds out you have a new guy. Some guys like the thought of keeping you as a goodfriend on one side without you having a man. They like you but can't say a thing and jealousy takes in when they realize .......girl is getting happy weekend.