Thursday, September 27, 2007

Just Wondering

Well, recently i've been praying that God should remove from my life things and people that is not and will not allow His will and His plan for my life to be done.( Some say it's a dangerous prayer, don't really know) anyway, so in the last two weeks, i've stopped talking to three people that were part of my daily routine. So i'm wondering, is that God answering my prayer? One other person, that plays a more significant role, i've not heard from and again, i'm wondering, is that God answering my prayers because now i'm the one going back to look for them. I'm i supposed to let sleeping dogs lie?

Hmm, just wondering...

Thursday, September 20, 2007


How do u overcome an addiction that u know is not good?

Friday, September 14, 2007


Don't remember if i've ever been happier that it's friday, and for no specific reason. Feel like i need to go home and sleep away the weekend...