lool...Even as I type this, my husband and I are at different computers arguing over the content of a document he's working on and u can believe he's getting upset at my aggressive approach to correcting him.
GNG, my dear friend whom i've missed dearly and probably the only one who still follows the blog ask what i've been up to? Well, I can't begin to explain or rather it would take me a loooongggg time to finish the story so to cut it all short, "love happened!" fell in-love with the man i ended up marrying earlier on this year!
Just as the title explains....I promise this love thing is mad tasking but i can say it's indeed a beautiful thing -of-course only if it's genuine and based on a good foundation- that foundation to us is Christ!
In the few months we've been married, well, technically we've been married longer than that but a story for another day but let's just say the few months we married infront of family, friends, and of-course God, it's been a bliss and already full of experiences...
I personally thank God everyday...