GNG my dear friend, here my story....
I think it was either late December or January 2008 when i did a post about my "supposed" adventurous/ignorant trip out of town...unfortunately i went back now to find the post to see if i could link it on herebut it must be part of the posts i deleted a while back just in case the Mr also finds it...funny, now he read my blog but only when i open it....
I guess i should have saved it anyway. So one very interesting evening we were having some serious/honest included us asking each other what each person could do that would warrant for u can imagine the seriousness of the conversation.
Anyway, apparently, the Mr. had been curious about how i knew the people i went out of town with and how we ended up where we went because he also knew them and could not understand the connection. I honestly thought since we were "playing" honesty i should be honest and tell him the full story (i could have lied or just said don't worry about it)...which included the fact that i slept in the same room with the guy that invited me and nothing happened between us....I'm not saying he didn't make advances but i practically had to beg him!lol
in my original post about the event, i explained that i somehow assumed that the females would be sleeping in d same room and all but it really was not the case and there was nothing i could do about it! I truly didn't even think he was interested in me that way and thought he invited me on the trip only for pity sake after i had poured out about how boring and routinely my life was....
Anyway, the Mr. flipped! he would not have it! Infact he almost started crying explaining that he did not want anyone in that cycle to have even seen me evenhalf naked! lol mind u this was after i explained that i did all my changing in the bathroom and there was nothing half sexy about my pjs....hehehehehe...and for the 3 days were were at the place, the guys were downstairs almost all through gambling...and i mean even late at night....
even though i tried to apologize, my stubborness would not let me because i truly felt like this was all the way in 2007 even before i dreamt of meeting him. I couldn't understand why he could not accept i had a past...i mean, am almost 30 and unless i live elsewhere all my past will be in this same state...but thank God i somehow have a clean like i know that many people!
To cut a long story short, even though the story may already be ended up not talking for about 2 bothering days before he called me back with only this statement after which he dropped the phone "i miss u" ....yeah! i was tripped but still had to let it drag for one more day before we could talk it out....hehehehehe